I am a Registered Psychotherapist, Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapist, and Play Therapist in private practice in southern Ontario, Canada. Serving Toronto and South-Western Ontario.
I specialize in supporting and enhancing attachment in children, bonding in parents, and resolution of early losses, trauma, war trauma and neglect in children. I work with parents, adoptive parents, foster parents, customary care parents and their children. I am a provider through Non-Insured Health Benefits-Mental Health for Indigenous persons.
Areas of Expertise
- Attachment disorders and difficulties
- Developmental Trauma
- Early Trauma and Neglect within the Care-giving environment
- Loss and grief
- Separation from Care-givers
- Bonding and Attachment in adoption
- Bonding and Attachment in foster care
- Advocacy for Attachment and Bonding
- Childhood developmental and emotional difficulties
- War Trauma
- Treatment of Refugee and Immigrant Trauma
- Acculturation Difficulties
- Expert Witness in Attachment, Trauma and Child Development
- Consulting with schools
Advocacy and Community Work
- Member of the Developmental Trauma Action Alliance, chair of the Provincial Campaign Committee
- Past President of the Association for Training in the Treatment of Trauma and Attachment in Children (ATTACh) Minneapolis MN, and now member of the ATTACh Advisory Committee
- Trainer for the Permanency and Adoption Competency Training (PACT) for the Adoption Council of Ontario (ACO)
- Member of the Board of Directors of Adopt4Life, Chair of the Mental Health Committee.